Company profile

Stellarview, a dynamic offshoot of the esteemed computer vision consulting organization Adagrad, represents the evolution of our journey in harnessing the power of AI and machine learning for transformative vision-based solutions. Born from Adagrad’s rich legacy of pioneering computer vision technologies, Stellarview stands at the forefront of innovation in vehicle analytics.

Our mission is to revolutionize how vehicles and traffic are monitored and managed, blending cutting-edge technology with practical, real-world applications. Our suite of products, including the flagship Recon and others, embodies our commitment to excellence and efficiency in vehicle surveillance and traffic management. At Stellarview, we’re not just creating products; we're shaping the future of intelligent transportation. Discover more about our origins at Adagrad.
Visit Adagrad AI
Vision statement
To create a world where vision-based vehicle analytics are intricately woven into the fabric of daily life, marking a new era of efficiency in traffic management and mobility.
Mission statement
Stellarview's mission is to pioneer and deliver innovative vision-based vehicle analytics solutions that seamlessly integrate into everyday life. We are dedicated to enhancing traffic management and mobility, focusing on creating smarter, safer, and more efficient environments. Through our relentless pursuit of technological advancement and a customer-centric approach, our goal is to transform the way the world interacts with transportation systems, ensuring that every journey and every destination benefits from our cutting-edge analytics technology.